
宝可梦探险寻宝技能大全 全技能属性介绍

2018-6-1   小编:xzx



1 喷射火焰 火 The user continuously breathes out long flames for a while. Deals damage to enemies as long as they remain in the flames. Sometimes burns enemies.

2 冲浪 水 The user creates a wide wave and charges forward on it. Deals damage to enemies caught in the wave.

3 打雷 电 The user strikes the area in front of itself with a lightning bolt. Deals damage to nearby enemies. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
4 寄生种子 草 The user plants a seed on the ground in front of itself. Enemies in range are gradually damaged. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.

5 破坏光线 一般 The user stores up power and then fires a tremendous beam at enemies. Deals sEVEre damage to enemies it hits.

6 火花 火 The user fires sparks in front of itself that split and run in three directions when they hit the ground. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.

7 闪焰冲锋 火 The user creates a path of flames in front of itself and charges forward along it. Deals damage to enemies. Sometimes burns enemies.

8 火焰旋涡 火 The user creates flames all around itself and fires them off in a spiral. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.

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9 火焰拳 火 The user imbues its fist with the power of flames, and strikes enemies directly in front of it with a burning punch. Deals damage and sometimes burns enemies.

10 喷烟 火 The user spouts scarlet flames all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around it. Sometimes burns enemies.

11 鬼火 火 The user drapes itself with sinister flames and attacks enemies directly in front of it. Often burns enemies.

12 蓄能焰袭 火 The user stores up the power of flames, raising the damage it deals for a while.

13 泡沫 水 The user fires bubbles in three directions. Deals damage to enemies hit by the bubbles and sometimes lowers their movement speed.

14 攀瀑 水 The user approaches enemies in front of itself and creates a pillar of water beneath them. This deals damage to enemies it hits.

15 水炮 水 The user shoots four pillars of water up from the ground and sends them out in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.

16 潮旋 水 The user creates a whirlpool around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user.

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17 缩入壳中 水 The user withdraws into its hard shell, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.

18 水流环 水 The user envelops itself in a veil made of water, restoring some of its HP.

19 水流喷射 水 The user charges at enemies in front of itself with tremendous speed, dealing damage to them.

20 电击 电 After storing up electricity, the user fires it toward enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

21 十万伏特 电 The user discharges tremendous electricity all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

22 电光 电 The user charges its body with electricity and charges toward enemies in front of itself. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

23 雷电拳 电 The user charges its fist with electricity and unleashes a shocking punch on enemies directly in front of itself, sometimes paralyzing them.

24 充电 电 The user stores up electricity, raising the damage it deals and making it resistant to negative effects for a while.

25 电气场地 电 The user gathers electrical power beneath itself, raising the damage it deals for a while.

26 电网 电 The user spreads an electric net out directly in front of itself, lowering the movement speed of enemies hit by it for a while.

27 飞叶快刀 草 The user launches sharp-edged leaves to slash at enemies, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

28 日光束 草 The user gathers light and unleashes it in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.
29 藤鞭 草 The user strikes enemies in front of itself with whiplike vines. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.

30 花瓣舞 草 The user spins in place, scattering petals that deal damage to enemies around it.

31 麻痹粉 草 The user scatters numbing powder directly in front of itself. Often paralyzes enemies hit by it.

32 蘑菇孢子 草 The user scatters sleep-inducing spores directly in front of itself, often making enemies fall asleep.

33 超级吸取 草 The user attacks enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Some of the damage dealt is absorbed by the user, restoring its HP.

34 光合作用 草 The user absorbs light, raising the damage it deals for a while.

35 冰冻光束 冰 The user fires an icy-cold beam at enemies in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies and sometimes freezes them.

36 冰柱坠击 冰 The user drops frigid icicles in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them and sometimes freezes them.

37 暴风雪 冰 The user moves about while creating a blizzard centered on itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user and sometimes freezes them.

38 冰冻拳 冰 The user chills its fist and unleashes a freezing punch on enemies directly in front of it. Sometimes freezes enemies.

39 极光幕 冰 The user cloaks itself in a veil of light, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.

40 冰冻之风 冰 The user sends a freezing gust of chilled air at enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes lowers enemies' movement speed.

41 增强拳 格斗 The user delivers a punch with its hard fist to enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Often raises the amount of damage the user deals.

42 十字劈 格斗 The user jumps toward enemies in front of itself and smacks them with a two-handed chop, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

43 地狱翻滚 格斗 The user spins toward enemies in front of itself, smashing into them. Deals damage to enemies hit by the user as it whirls around.

44 飞膝踢 格斗 After charging toward enemies in front of itself, the user jumps up and deals damage with a knee kick. The user also takes recoil damage.

45 回旋踢 格斗 The user kicks as it spins in place, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.

46 爆裂拳 格斗 The user punches enemies directly in front of itself with its full, concentrated power. Sometimes confuses enemies.

47 健美 格斗 The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, raising the damage it deals for a while. This also reduces the damage the user takes.

48 吸取拳 格斗 The user fires a punch at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. It also absorbs power with its fist, restoring its own HP.

49 碎岩 格斗 The user unleashes it





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